Some Days

Some days you yell at the kids, eat the chocolate, and stay up late. 

That was today for me. 

I was exhausted today. I stayed up late last night, was awoken with a whining dog from the thunder storm, and woke up early to finish some work. 

The last few weeks have consisted of endless baseball games, field trips, kindergarten graduations, class picnics, orthodontist appointments, muffins with mom, donuts with dad, track meets, and pre-k screenings. 

Through these events I have been going to bed late, not taking care of myself, bringing myself to a place of resentment. 

Resentment comes when we aren’t meeting our own needs. And I can tell you, I definitely have NOT been meeting my needs. 

So some days, we have a crash and burn day. And that’s okay. 

A crash and burn day for me means, we don’t create any expectations for ourself. We do whatever we want. We check in with ourself and see what it is we want, and act on it. 

I’m always preaching to not let your lower brain drive you. But today, I let it drive me. 

It drove me to eat seconds at dinner, to take a bath, to yell at my kids, to eat ice cream. 

Hey, lifes 50/50. Half the time I got it together and do all the things, and half the time I say “screw it” and give into all the unservicing desires. 

I am sharing this with you because I want you to be able to give yourself a little grace when you have a “some day” aka a crash and burn day. 

Be kind to yourself, especially when there are some extra demands on us at the end of the never ending school year. 

Love yourself, be kind, give yourself some grace and dare I say eat some ice cream! 


Relationship Insecurity


From Victim to Survivor to Conqueror