Why I Lost Weight (Copy)

During the pandemic I put on some weight. What did they call it again, “The Covid-19 pounds?” Something like that. 

I gained weight because I am an emotional eater. I know this about myself. I have always turned to food when I am feeling down. I eat when I am sad. I eat when I am stressed. 

The result of this process is that I lose and gain weight constantly. 

As of last week I hit my goal weight. 

Let me tell you a little bit about my goal. I set this goal not because I want to physically look a certain way. But that the number on the scale is a reflection of what is happening on the inside of me. 

Like I said earlier, I was an emotional eater. So if I WASN’T in a good place mentally, I put on weight. If I WAS in a good place I lost the weight. This pattern has followed me since I graduated High School when I didn’t have the constant physichal activities of sports to balance me out. 

Until now. 

Now I lose weight and maintain my weight for a whole heck of a different reason. 

I lose weight because I love myself. 

I lose weight because I want to be healthy and take care of this body that I am grateful for. 

I lose weight because I have learned how process my feelings so I don’t turn to food for answers. 

I lose weight because I’m happy with myself. 

I lose weight because I trust myself enough to do it differently that I have the last 14 years. 

And I love it. 

Not because of the number on the scale, or that I look a certain way. 

But because I love the way I feel since I’ve learned how to manage emotional eating. 

I love that I eat to give my body the energy and nutrients it needs and NOT because I’m feeling depressed and discouraged. 

When I was filling my body with chocolate covered almonds and bowls of ice cream when I was feeling down naturally I felt worst. 

I was in this viscous cycle of layering on the emotions. The bottom layer of emotion was the original one. Maybe I was stressed out about being without income when Covid-19 shut us right down originally, so I ate. After I overate until I was physically uncomfortable I felt guilty. So when I felt guilty and wanted to feel better….

You know. 

I ate more. 

Then when I gained weight, another layer of emotions came. 

I then felt discouraged. 

Then eventually disgusted with myself. 

It was this vicious, unforgiving, never ending cycle. A misery cycle. 

Let me tell you some basics in weight loss. 

We are overweight because we overeat. 

We overeat because we over desire. 

The secret to losing weight and keeping it off forever is….

To to learn how to allow and process emotions. 

That’s it. 

When we pull back all of the layers to the problem of why we are overweight, why we overeat and why we hate ourselves it is just that. It is because we can’t deal my friends.  The root of the problem is that we don’t know how to deal with our emotions. 

Well I do. 

That’s how I lost my weight. That’s how I learned to love my body through my weight loss journey. That’s how I have managed to become who I am today. 

This is available to you too. 

Us women tie up our worth in how we look. I am guilty of it for sure. But I want you to truly think about why you want to lose weight. Be sure you like your answers. I will offer you this, “Nothing has to change for you to feel better.” This is an absolute truth. BUT because I know you, I know you WANT to change. You know you are capable of this change and are ready for it. Well I know you can do it. And I’m here for it. 


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