Why I’m A Life Coach

If you don’t know why I’m a life coach yet I better fill you in.

My life sucked, then I went to life coach school and now my life rocks.

I love my life again.

So now that i’ve gotten my crap (most of the times) figured out I want to help other people. Especially those mommas. I want to help because I LOOVVEEEE my mommas.

Loving people is truly, genuinely, undoubtedly my super power.

I remember being in elementary school and coming home crying because a little kindergartner got there pants caught on something and they ripped. They were sad and embarrassed, and I was so sad for them.

That hasn’t left me. (Although I’m a bit more emotionally independent these days)

When I see you mommas around me struggling. I feel FOR you (even though technically as a life coach you can’t make me feel anything). But I sure do relate. When I see you saying the same things I have said, and see you complaining about being a mom, complaining about your husband and how he doesn’t do anything……

When I see that….. I want to jump in. I want to help. I want you to see things differently. I want you to empower yourself to create whatever the heck you want in your life.

I want you to step into the role as the divine mother, wife, woman and sexy momma that you are. I want you to love yourself, love your body, and create joy in your life.

I want you to learn to embrace all of your emotions, I want you to learn how to process things so it can let go of you and you can move forward.

My why, is you.

I’m a life coach because you matter. You are capable of so so so much more. Your worth, your divinity, your glory is within reach. Once you get a glimpse of it, everything. And I mean EVERYTHING changes. Once that spark is re-ignited in you, you become unstoppable.

I’m such a sucker for girl power. I love seeing business women excelling, I love seeing Mommas butchering their own livestock(that’s a weird one I know), I love seeing women take full ownership over their bodies and lives and delivering their baby the way THEY want, I love seeing Mommas speak up when they have an opinion but they speak in their nurturing, gentle but compelling way. I love seeing mommas put up their hair, put on their gloves and do the hard thing that they have to do.

You are powerful.

You are capable.

You are divine.

And you are worthy of it all.

You are my reason I am a life coach. You are my fuel to keep going. I love you mommas. I’m here for you. Let’s do it together.


Magic Child (and momma) Independence


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