Who’s Driving?

One day you wake up and look at your marriage and you wonder what in the world happened to us? 


You used to be so in love, passionate but now you barely talk. 


You're convinced that HE is the one who has taken all the wrong turns and gotten you "here" in your marriage.


But momma, listen to me. 


To truly step up as the strong, certain, willing woman that you are, you need to take total ownership over your marriage. You need to step into the driverseat and start driving the car.


To do this you simply need to stop blaming your husband, own your role in your marriage, and take ownership over your emotions. When we take ownership over your role in the relationship we stop delegating our emotions to our husband and take full responsibility for how we feel. 


When you do this, we stop wondering what happened, you stop blaming other people (aka the husband) and you are ready to step into our role and make some changes. You feel empowered, maybe even a little excited.


When you take this approach you are going to feel empowered and confident in your relationship. You will be intentional in every interaction in your marriage and be able to communicate that effectively. 


I guarantee you will stop asking “What happened?” and instead you’ll KNOW exactly what is happening in your relationship and feeling that passion with your spouse. 

You got this!

P.S. If you would like some help to get started, I would love to do a Relationship Evaluation Call to see where your at and where you want to go! I can show you the “how” :)



Why I’m A Life Coach


Emotionally Numb