Magic Child (and momma) Independence

This morning when I woke up, my four year old walks into my room with his shorts on, attempting to put on his shirt and says “Mom I’m dressed” while he rubs his hands up and down his shirt proud as can be with a big grin on his face.

I also had a big grin on my face.

365 days x 4 years, ends up being about 1,500 times getting one child dressed. (Plus hundreds of more times with accidents, messes, getting wet etc) I have dressed my son hundreds and hundreds of times.

But today.

He woke up and got dressed himself.


You know what I always notice after a child meets a milestone? They are happier.

Think back to the times when your child was trying to feed themselves, or learn to walk, or potty train…… think about the state of frustration they were in ALL. THE. TIME.

They are frustrated, they don’t want to “depend” on us. They want to be independent. They want to have control in their lives. They want to feel capable, loved and able.

Just like us.

Yes, just like a child throwing a fit because they didn’t get to pick out what they were wearing, or when a child pees (or better yet poops) right in front of you our of anger and revenge (are my kids the only ones who have done this?). We too throw a fit, get back at people, blame others when we don’t feel independent.

Am I right?

When we are emotionally tied up in other peoples decisions, and feel like we have to rely on others, we do things from a place of anger, revenge and pure frustration.

But as soon as we “learn to walk” or turn that corner where we feel that TOTAL independence, we are SO SO much happier. We feel relaxed, full of purpose more at peace. We feel like we are in control, like we have a say in what happens to us.

It’s a beautiful moment.

Us humans, whether we are the momma or the toddler (anyone really) we love to be independent. We love to feel that power and freedom in our lives. It’s ecstasy producing in our brains. It feels soooooo pleasurable.

So take notice. Where are you still kicking and screaming in your life? What resistance is there? I’m sure there is something you want to be free from, feel in control more, or just take off with.

When you do the work (with me if you’ll have me) one day you’ll wake up, walk into your life, rub your hands up and down your belly with a big grin on your face, knowing that YOU did it! You’re doing it and you’re in control of YOUR life!


Loving Outside of Comfort


Why I’m A Life Coach