Why We’re Lazy

Your actually not lazy, did you know that?

You’re human. And human brains (Mostly the lower brain aka caveman brain) we’re designed for three things. To seek pleasure, avoid pain, and preserve energy.

I’m jumping right into the nerdy science part of it just for a moment because I really want you to understand this concept, it changes everything. Think about the ancestors before us (the caveman if you will). For the human species to survive they needed VERY strong connections to their purpose, which was to eat, reproduce, and stay live ooo and also to create connection with a tribe.

I could talk for hours about this concept because understanding this gives me freedom and power. The human species in the very beginning needed to be driven by pleasure to seek out food and the desire to reproduce to carry on the species. The human species needed to avoid physical pain aka tigers, lions and so on, to stay alive. The human species needed to preserve energy, to stay alive.

So that being said, that is why we find ourselves doing “nothing”. It is your brain driving you to do what you are innately designed for.

That doesn’t mean we can’t override it, we SURE can. But when we think we “shouldn’t” be doing that, we make ourselves feel worst, and because we are designed to avoid pain (even emotional pain) guess what? We definitely do even less.

That’s why eating sweets and watching Netflix is the double whammy. If you really think about it doing those two things together provides your caveman brain with all three. When we are eating and watching Netflix we definitely are hitting our pleasure center with consuming sugars (false pleasures), we are avoiding dealing with all of our negative emotions, AND we are definitely preserving energy by not moving.

I want you to understand this so you can stop all the judgement. When we are judging ourselves for being a human mind you, we are making it worst. We try to seek more pleasure, avoid more pain and do less and less. That’s how we get into funks my friends.

And the more we do it, the more we strengthen our neuro pathways in our brains. Sometimes we will find ourselves with a bag of chips sitting on the couch watching TV before we even realize it. Because our brain likes to preserve energy it loops on the same ol’ thoughts over and over. You might have one little thought that triggers a behavior reaction based on it. Because you have had that thought so many times it just goes on auto pilot opposed to creating a new neuro pathway. (Too much work)

So what can we do?

If you want to make changes we first off have to truly understand what’s happening in our brain so we can be kind enough to ourself to make a decision based on curiosity and compassion.

Being kind to ourself, we start to use our upper brain. Our prefrontal cortex to be exact which is the decision making part of our brain to start to override the lower caveman brain.

So we make a consciousness decision with our higher brain AND THEN we start noticing when our brain wants to avoid pain, seek pleasure and preserve energy.

Because it absolutely will. We have to start retraining our brain. Redirecting those neuro pathways. Stop the cycles if you will.

So mommas you are absolutely NOT LAZY, you are human, with a human brain. That is trying to keep you alive.  The brain is going to bring. It will ALWAYS fall back into its designated triad. But when we equip ourselves with the tools to override we feel empowered, strong and capable. We don’t judge ourselves that we have a human brain, and we let it drive us. We meet ourselves right where we are and make a decision from compassion and curiosity. Even with a little humor at times. We are amazing, capable, strong, powerful women who are designed for so much more then we will ever know. Stop the judgement so you can step into that powerful role that is calling to you. You got this momma!

P.S. If you want a little help retraining your brain, I would be absolutely honored to help you. Fill out this quick form HERE so we can get started!


Honey, Grab Your Gun


Mental Clarity