Who I Am

On this beautiful Sunday morning I was thinking about the great I Am. In the story of Moses in the Old Testament Moses was feeling very inadequate when he is called to delivery Israel from bondage. (Wouldn’t you be?) He is hiding behind a bush and saying to God, ‘But who am I?’ ‘Who am I, to be able to do this task that is asked of me?’ (Ref: Exodus 3)

Moses, like all of us is questioning his abilities, questioning his identity. All of this self doubt and insecurities come up. I won’t get into all of the wonderful details of the story but the best part is when God says, “I AM THAT I AM.” 

This had me thinking about who I am. Understanding the answer to this question determines how I behave, how I show up. 

When I’m uncertain of who I am sometimes I don’t show up at all. I stay at home. Or if I do show up I’m a very pathetic version of myself. 

I read an amazing book titled Atomic Habits by James Clear. He talked in depth about our identity and how that effects our behavior. The concept is this, to exponentially increase the success of beginning a new habit we have to change who we are at the core. 

If I were to draw you a picture to depict this it would be a circle with three rings inside of it. The center (core) is your Identity, or who you are. The second ring is the process, or the actions you take. The outer ring is the outcomes, or the results and the way the world perceives you. 

For example for a smoker to be successful in quitting they identify themselves as a non smoker(identity). Then they choose to not smoke because of this belief in their identity (process). The total outcome is that they aren’t a smoker. 

Okay I’m a bit on a tangent but I just absolutely love this concept……

BECAUSE who we truly believe we are, determines who we are. 

How we identify ourselves, effects our actions, and our actions determine the results we create in our lives. 

What do you truly believe about yourself to the core? What is your identity? 

These are some things I came up with for me. 

I am a daughter of God

I am a talented hair stylist 

I am a wonderful friend 

I am a loving wife

I am an incredible Life Coach

I am a loving neighbor

I am a loving mom

I am an animal lover

I am divine

I am beautiful inside and out


I am who I am 

Knowing who I am, deep down to my core changes everything I do in my life. When we don’t have this true sense of identity we find ourselves lost and unsure . We might even hide behind a bush like Moses. 

Remind yourself who you are. If you don’t know I will tell you. You ARE a daughter of God, You ARE divine, You Are beautiful inside and out, You are who you are. 

Own it. 

Love it.

Be it. 


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