Bank Accounts & Saturdays

You know what my bank account and Saturday’s have in common? 

They get eaten up if I don’t plan them out. 

My husband and I always joke about this. (Thank goodness we have a good sense of humor.)

It goes something like this..

“Where did all that money go we just deposited?”

“It’s gone.”


“What did we even do today?”

“Nothing, the day is gone.”

Both our money and our Saturday’s disappear if we aren’t intentional with them. 

Last night my husband and I stayed up late talking about all of our future dreams and goals. We were planning out the things we wanted to do around the house, the big vacations we wanted to take and our absolute ultimate ultimate dream to own a home on a lake one day. 

I was asking these questions… “Roughly how much do you think it will cost? AND “When would you want to do it?” 

To take a guess of “when” we would use our children’s ages as a reference. We were trying to figure out at what ages do we want the kids to be when we go cross country in our camper, or when we buy a camp. We came to the realization that in 13 years my oldest son will be 21 and most likely will be married and living with his wife and her family somewhere. 

I look over at my husband and he has a tear falling down his cheek. And he said, “I can’t believe how little time I will have with my boys.” 

I of course started crying too. 

We took a moment to breathe in that reality. And I said to him, “You know how a Saturday passes you by without you actually doing what you want to do? That’s how life is.” 

He responded by quoting Henry David Thoreau, “As if you could kill time without injuring eternity.” (Don’t you love getting a glimpse of what our conversations are like hahah) 

Mommas let’s get real here. We want to be intentional with our time here on earth with our family. If we don’t take time to plan what we WANT to do with our life, it will just pass us by. 

I really feel like I missed the first three years of my youngest life. I was so miserable, depressed and overwhelmed that I couldn’t see the reality staring me in the face. I was so consumed in my mind, so emotionally and physically exhausted that I wasn’t present. I wasn’t having fun, definitely NOT living life to the fullest, I was barely getting myself out of bed. 

My friends, the life you have at this very moment, this is YOUR life. It will pass you by if you don’t grab it by the horns and enjoy it. Now you might not know how, and that’s okay. I’m here for it. We all are taking our best guess around here. But I want you to get to your Saturday night and put your head on your pillow and think “Man, what a great day.” We want to relish in gratitude, excitement and disbelief that THIS is our life. The ugly, the beautiful, the wild, the boring, all of it is MY life. We want you to embrace it all, and choose to be intentional with it


What My Foster Dog Taught Me


The Home Edit (for your brain)