The Home Edit (for your brain)

I am obsessed with the show The Home Edit on Netflix. 

Season 2 just came out by the way. And if you HAVEN’T seen it. Stop reading this blog and go watch. Seriously the greatest. The premise of a show is that they come into peoples homes and organize a space for them so that it is functional, and esthetically pleasing. But most importantly they put systems in place that make their life easy, so all they have to do is maintenance from time to time. 

I have always loved organization. And I’ve always been a huge fan of the rainbow systems. I was color sorting my closet at the ripe age of 10. I love it and it makes sense in my brain. 

Okay I digress. 

Last night when I was eating my mug of ice cream (Yes I prefer my ice cream in a mug oh and I pour milk on top so it get’s nice and icey) and watching The Home Edit something profound jumped out at me. 

I realized that I am obsessed with organization and I am obsessed with Life Coaching because they are the exact same concept just in different spaces. 

When we organize something we take a space and we pull everything out. It normally looks like a complete train wreck for a period of time. With things all over the floor, the bed. Then we start going through the things, and seeing what can stay what can go. Next we put things in different categories. All the shoes go together, the sentimental stuff goes together and so on and so forth. BUT the hardest part after the systems are in place is to retrain your brain to follow through with the function of the space. We fall into old habits and just start chucking things in and don’t put things in designated spaces. Then we are right back where we started. 

I cannot begin ( I could write for dayssss) on the strong parallels between organization and coaching. 

In coaching we take a space (aka your brain) and we pull everything out. All the old thoughts, beliefs, all of it. Similarly to the disaster that comes before we can organize, we have all the crazy that comes out of your brain and then we begin to edit things out. We “hold” a thought in our hand and examine it. We look to see if it is helpful and if we want to keep it. We then take ALL OF IT and categorize it into 5 different lines. It is either a circumstance, a thought, a feeling, a action or a result. We do this time and time again. We take all of the brain drama out, so you can think clearly, you can breathe and feel like you can live again. That same amazing feeling you get after you get that disastrous pantry cleaned out and you step back and feel “ahhhhhh” so good. 

So for you momma who LOVES organizing like me, we like it because we know how wonderful it is, how fabulous we feel when its done. When things are all discombobulated together and different categories are mixed in and their are no systems in place we feel confused, overwhelmed, and just plain weighed down. We can’t make decisions, we aren’t efficient. We are stuck in it all and sometimes just don’t do anything. But we know it is part of the process to have an amazing end result. 

But once we do the work, take it all out, get rid of what we don’t need or want, and organize it we feel relaxed, certain, and powerful. We gain clarity in our lives, we see clearly, think clearly and move forward in a focused way. We also get our time back. All the time we spent trying to avoid the real problems, binge watching Netflix because we can’t deal, and are click happy on Amazon.

We can use all that time, money, and energy doing things we actually LOVE to do. Filling our lives with purposeful, energizing experiences. How amazing do you feel when your home is clean and organized. Don’t you feel like you can do anything!?? That is the same feeling that happens throughout the Life Coaching process BUT times 1,000,000,000. 

So let’s pause. Take a moment to do something about it. Let’s stop walking by the closet that is exploding in disarray that we don’t even want to open the door because we don’t want to deal. Let’s open the door, take a look and start the process. 

Mommas I’m not good at many things but ORGANIZING your brain is my specialty. Bring me those cobwebby, overfilled, exploding, unorganized brains so we can edit, categorize, contain and maintain! (Like Joanna & Clea!)

P.S. If you are ready to feel relaxed, energized, and clear headed again fill out this form HERE so we can get to work.


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