Messy & Happy (Copy)

I love Fridays. Yesterday’s Friday was a milestone for me in my Mom journey, for sure. 

I got the kids up and off to school and babysitter and had coaching calls and then the kids got back off the bus (the infamous half day of school). I piled all the kids in the car because it was about lunch time and I decided because it was sunny (but raging winds and 43 degrees) to have ice cream for lunch! 

Then we came back and the kids started a nerf gun party. They grabbed their guns and starting shoving the darts in their pockets, book bags and boots. They headed in the back yard with their eye protection on and hid in the bushes, buckets and toy boxes so they could ambush their cousins.

It was a great day. I was in and out of the office doing work that I was super excited about. 

But I caught myself BECAUSE….

You know what? 

I was having an absolutely fantastic, fabulous day and my house was in an absolute, ridiculously, even laughable messy state. 

There were piles, I mean PILES of laundry on the dining room table, there were yesterdays (maybe even 2-3) days of dishes in the sink. The island was covered in papers and breakfast dishes. Book bags covering the floor in the kitchen when you first walk in. 

But I kept walking past it and it didn’t bother me in the least. 

My house was messy, but I was happy. 

I have come full circle mommas. This version of me, never used to exist. My identity, my comfort level, my ability to relax was so tightly bound up in the state of my home. 

So. So. Sad. But True. 

But now I walk right past all the madness because I’m so focused on doing what I am passionate about doing and having fun. 

And I am passionate about what I’m doing and having fun because I’ve done the work on myself. 

I’ve broken these ideas I’ve had that my worth is tied up in what my house looks like. 

I’ve let go of expectations I have for the people around me so I can relax and have fun. 

I’ve built up my own self confidence and understand who I am and have become MORE of me. 

I’ve done the work on myself so I can have a messy house and be happy (and of course still miserable half the time). 

Mommas this is so very possible for you too. Right now you are living so small. We want you to access all of the possibilities of who you are and what it looks like for you when you are living big! We want you to do the work on yourself so you can have a messy house and be happy. So you can stop chasing after these unattainable ideas of happiness and find it right where you are. And I mean RIGHT where YOU are. Right in the heart of the messy house, the dirty kids, the cranky husband and the bad behaved dog. It’s there, it’s in you just got to do the work. 


The Home Edit (for your brain)


Mom Productivity