Bitter Or Better

Here’s the truth. Through our trials and challenges, they can either make us better, or bitter. 

Think about the current challenge you are faced with at this moment. Do you constantly flood your mind with all the terrible things that have come through it? Do you see everything going wrong? Or do you see it as an opportunity for growth? For change? 

The trial itself does not dictate how we are going to come out of it. 

It is our perspective throughout these experiences. We have a choice, we get to decide what we want to do with the mountain ahead of us. 

This brings me to this idea of clean pain versus dirty pain. 

Clean pain is necessary, useful, appropriate pain we want to have because we are human. It helps us progress and move through challenges. 

Dirty pain is unnecessary, keeps us stuck, spinning our wheels but not moving forward. 

So truth is we are guaranteed to experience immense challenges and trials. BUT it is how we decide we are going to respond. Our response determines whether we will process the necessary pain and move forward and become better. 

Or we hold onto dirty pain, write painful stories and become more and more bitter. 

Those are your choices my friends. 

Haven’t you seen the amazing heroic stories of a young child who is diagnosed with a terminal cancer or disease. 

As the adults we are devastated, heart broken and even angry to hear of such news. 

But the child, with a smile on their face, rises to the occasion, they serve, help, and love so many. They create donations, and foundations. They do whatever they can with their limited resources to do good in the world. They ultimately become the greatest version they can become in their greatest challenge. 

Decide today how you want to move forward in your trials. Who do you want to become through these experiences? Do you want to find yourself, and become better? Or stay stuck, miserable and bitter? 

You get to decide. 


When We Are Sad, Mad, or Just Pissed Off


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