Grieving Our Life

All moms to get a point in their life where they either have everything they ever wanted and our miserable or they aren’t where they thought they should be, and well we are miserable. 

Have you experienced that at all? 

I’ll tell you how that played out for me. After I had my third son I hit a wall. I had the big family I always dreamed of. I had a beautiful home. I was married to my dream guy. I was at the peak of my career. I had it all. 

But I was miserable. 

I was grieving the life I had. It was as if something inside of me was dying. But I just couldn’t put my finger on it. 

Or we find ourself in a place where we haven’t “arrived”. We are exhausted from spinning our wheels constantly but not seeming to get anywhere. We want so badly to be farther ahead then where we are. Whether it’s in regards to our relationship, our finances, our career. 

This is normal my friends. 

This is the part of life no one prepares us for. 

This human void we all experience. This emptiness and missing piece we feel when we are truly living. 

We will never feel satisfied with where we are at the current moment. We constantly are being nudged to evolve to the next version of ourselves. Because of that natural thirst of growth, we are never going to feel complete. 

So here is the cold hard truth: 

You’re going to feel awful either way. 

That came out very pessimisticy (not a word, I know). But I want my mommas to know this because I want you to embrace it. 

We are designed to be unsatisfied. You are going to be as unsatisfied when you die as you are today. I’ll tell you why. Because if we did reach FULL SATISFACTION if we achieved this place, then we would stop being a human that needs to evolve. 

This my friends is the best news ever. So when we feel miserable it is because our innate juicy gooey core always wants to be challenged, always wants to evolve. We always need something to strive for so we can continue to become the next best version of ourself. 

I was talking to one of my clients the other day and she was telling me how she had met all of her goals, all of her dreams in her life. And she asked me, “now what?” 

My friends, my mommas, all of you who are unstoppable, resilient, and feisty…. Like me. We don’t stop dreaming. While we are working on one goal, when we are reaching the end of that goal, we make another goal. We should always be striving for something. The Life Coach School is famous for our “IMPOSSIBLE GOALS”. Because when we know we are going to feel awful either way(whether reaching goals or not) you might as well create a legacy while your doing it. When you set impossible goals for yourself you are willing to fail along the way. But you are also willing to take massive action without the fear of failure. 

“With that self-confidence that isn’t afraid of rejection. And that’s how you blow your own mind my friends.” 


I’m So Jealous


Preserve The Relationship