Isolate or Authenticate

Yesterday I invited my friends over and I wasn’t showered, didn’t have a bra on and I asked them to help me cook dinner. 

This was a liberating day for me. 

I have become so comfortable with myself and who I am. I trust myself enough to tell people how I really feel and you know what? It allows me to be closer to people. 

Because I am just being me. 

I know this sounds a bit corny, but I’m telling you because I really want you to ask yourself if you are? 

Would you just let your friends and the people you love in your home and in your life in any moment? A lot of times the answer is “NO!”. And of course there are times when we need our space and our quiet. But what I have found is true for me is that I “hole up” and isolate myself from people when I am not being true to my authentic self.

So I check in with myself every so often because when I want to hide from people and isolate myself I’m not normally in a good head space. But when I allow the people I love into my home when the sink is full of dirty dishes, my children are still wearing their pajamas at 2 in the afternoon and I don’t have a bra on, I know I’m in a good place. 

Seems a bit ironic doesn’t it? 

But this is what I have found. 

When we don’t accept ourself as we are, when we are unhappy inside with who we are, we hide. Or we cover it all up and aren’t being genuine and authentic. 

My greatest desire in this life is to become the most me version of me. AND to have people in my life who embrace me for me, and those who don’t, let them lovingly fall away. 

I want to flood my life with genuine experiences. I want to have deeper connections. I want to be authentic so I can attract more of that in my life. 

This is what I’ve found by doing this: 

People still like the real raw (even nasty) sides of me 

I am able to connect to friends on a deeper level (no surface talk for us- we jump right in!) 

I like myself more, when I embrace all sides of me 

I’m happier 

No one has fell away just yet (or at least I haven’t noticed)

So there you have it. There is no downside to being the real version of you. There are just a lot of reasons why we wouldn’t. Reasons like, it’s uncomfortable at first, we don’t know how to have our own back, I don’t want to be vulnerable, or judged. But this is the part that’s interesting….. When we love ourself NO. MATTER. WHAT. It truly doesn’t matter what others think of us, because we are choosing to have our own back and be our authentic self. 


Passion Possibilities


Hell Before Holiday