The Queen of “I Don’t Know”

Yes. That is me.

Our brain hates to make decisions. When you make a decision you are risking making a mistake. So instead we just don’t decide. We stay stuck.

What happens when you don’t decide is you are losing confidence in yourself AND you are wasting energy.

Your in that space of indecision and your stressed out, confused, uncertain and anxious.

But what is more detrimental is your teaching yourself not to trust your own abilities.

You have fear and confusion driving you.

Not a good combination.

Let me offer you some thoughts on this.

What if it’s possible that you DO know.

Because you do, we ALWAYS know.

“I don’t know” is actually a big, fat lie.

What “I don’t know” is telling you is that you know what to do, what to buy, or what you want. You just don’t want to deal with the outcome.

It comes down to ALWAYS that you don’t want to feel an emotion.

Like regret, or disappointment.

Momma, your a tough one. You can handle a little emotion can’t you? I KNOW you can.

Start practicing with little itty bittie decisions. Start trusting yourself a little bit at a time again. You are capable of so much more. You spending time agonizing over deciding is wasting your life. Your time is worth so much more. Your time should be spent enjoying your life, building momentum, moving through life with courage and zip. Move forward with certainty, and joy. You got this momma.


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