
Are you doing what you want with the time you have been given? 

Always such a deep question to ask, but it’s important. 

Here’s the truth: We get to decide how we use our time. 

Here’s the lie: You believe you have to give your time to everybody else, and there’s no time left for the things you want. 

A lot of us haphazardly go through life without a plan. We just are in problem solving mode and take each day as it comes. 

That’s fine and all. But that isn’t being intentional with your time. 

That’s not a reflection of what it is you really want to be doing throughout the week. I want you to look at the week ahead of you excited to take it on. When you were deliberate on planning things that actually spark something inside of you. Where you are being true to what it is that you want in your life and going after it. 

That is how we create more purpose in our lives. We use the time we have to do the things we want. We take out things we don’t want. 

It’s simple, but because we have beliefs that we hold others emotions in our hands and we are attempting to avoid everyone around us from feeling bad. All the while making yourself miserable and not using the time you’ve been given in an intentional way. 

What if you decided to do things differently. What if you knew exactly what you want to do each week and followed through on it. That is what is available to you. It is possible for you to spend your time doing the things you love, you’ve just forgotten. You’re on this hamster wheel you just keep going, keep doing but you’re not actually living. 

It’s time for a change don’t you think? 



Family Adjustments


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