What Child Birth Taught Me

I’m one of those weirdos who truly loves child labor. 

I find the experience exhilarating. 

Throughout the process of labor I would close my eyes and truly be in tune with the pain that took over my body. Breathing it in with each contraction, reminding my body that each pain takes us one moment closer to seeing this sweet soul we have long awaited. 

Not everybody has had this experience. For some of us it is terrifying, traumatic and flat out depleting. 

When that sweet baby comes after so many pains, and pushes and screams there is one beautiful result. 

After I delivered my last baby, my husband reminded me how amped up I was. The adrenaline was pumping through my body and I was feeling amazing. I kept saying to everybody, “That was amazing!” And “Look what I did!” 

I felt that strong feeling of self accomplishment and pride. I was proud of myself for being strong, pushing (literally) through all the pain and discomfit. I was in awe of my beautiful female body and the strength and miracle of what it can do. 

Child labor has taught me

Self Confidence

Self Acceptance

Self Love

Self Empowerment 

It reminds me that I am a powerful, strong, able woman. That I was designed to do hard things, to overcome, to rise and defeat. 

YOU are a powerful, strong, able woman. You are divine, You are designed to do hard things, to overcome, to rise and defeat any challenge, any struggle because you are the beautiful woman that you are. 


My Messy House


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