Zumba Life

Yesterday I went to Zumba for the first time in a few weeks. While I was in the class with my wonderfully, zippy, high energy instructor I got thinking about something. 

We can go through the motions of Zumba, robotically and unenthused. Or we can jump right in have fun, with energy and joy. 

Zumba is hard. We’re shaking it, we are sweating, out of breath and challenging our body. Those of us who look at it as exhausting, sweltering and plain tough have a face of anguish, pain and discomfort. Or we can look at our instructor who is getting the same workout, overcoming the same challenges, burning the same caloric count but is having a blast throughout it all.

I couldn’t help but think about the parallels between Zumba and life. 

How often do we treat our days with dread and low energy? We just go through the motions. Go to work, attend all the extra events, with no zip, energy or pizzaz. Not fun!

It’s like we are just a wall flower in the Zumba class. Just watching other people have fun and create joy. Saying well its hard, so it can’t be fun.

Now remember, I don’t do anything unless I want to and I’ve added another piece to it. I don’t do anything unless its fun! My new objective in life is to relax, work hard, and have fun. I’ve spent too much of my life as an uptight, stressed out, overwhelmed momma and I’m over it. I want to spend the remainder of my years as a young mom enjoying it.

Now mind you their are times as mommas it’s not so much. The sick kids, the puke, the poop. The part when we have to follow through on consequences. That’s always the part we have to gear up for and just do. But the rest of it…. Why are you making life so miserable for yourself? Why do you have a face of anguish and are focusing on all the discomfort? Why are you complaining to every momma you come in contact with and finding more and more reasons that its hard?

It’s all the same. Our lives are all hard. They are supposed to be. The difference is are we going to just let it be hard and miserable? Or do you want to have fun, energy, and zip through it all?

Listen Mommas, we all are living very similar lives here. We are all put up against challenges, children, husbands, workloads, and duties. We can just do it. Or we can have a blast living our best life while others sit back and wonder why we are having so much fun. Move that beautiful body of yours, and have fun in the process. 


Vacuums And Marriage


Crappy Morning Momma