Can’t Relax

Relaxing is uncomfortable for me. 

Most likely because I’m not that practiced in it. Even at the end of the day, after the kids are in bed and I’ve done all the things I set out to do. I sit there on the couch, and feel tense. My brain reminds me all the things I could be doing, or that I shouldn’t be sitting on the couch, you might as well go to bed. 

This thought pattern happens so frequently that I am out of practice how to relax. I know it sounds a bit crazy but it’s true. We have to practice relaxing. 

I’ve realized this more recently because even if I am away on a trip with not a care in the world, I still can’t relax. Because relaxing is a state of mind. It has nothing to do with where we are, what has happened throughout the day, or what our to do list looks like. 

Relaxing has everything to do with the state of our mind. 

We could be in the most tropical, quiet, peaceful, beach in all the world and still not feel relaxed. 

My body is more fluent in tenseness. That seems to be my normal state. So tense all the time that I find my digestive tract suffers. (Sorry too much information, just trying to be real with you!) And in this normal state of “tenseness” it makes sex tough too. When you are all wound up, tense, and stressed life isn’t fun. 

And I love fun. 

I’m making every effort to let go of things that aren’t fun. I want to flood my life with spontaneity, carelessness, relaxation and fun. 

Therefore if we want to train our brain, and have more opportunities of being relaxed and having fun. We must make every effort to analyze our state of mind? If I could ask you right now what are your top 3 emotions you feel on any given day what would they be? 

Let me take a guess because I know my mommas pretty well here, 

Is it anxious? 



Maybe even exhausted? 

These are what we called indulgent emotions. Our brain loves feeling these emotions because it keeps us stuck in life. Yup, our lower brain doesn’t want us to change it wants us to stay in the cave away from all the lions and tigers. 

But YOU my friend, don’t want to feel stuck anymore. You my friend are capable of so, so, so much more. You are capable of freedom, fun, and pure peace in your life. I want you to know that this is available to you. We have the power to generate whatever emotions we truly want in our lives. So stop planning that exotic beach vacation seeking to find relaxation there, focus on being right where you are and doing the work! It’s possible for you!

If you want a little help getting “unstuck” in your life. I can help! Click here to apply for a FREE consult with me, what in the world do you have to lose!??? Besides anxiety, overwhelm, and stress? 


Mom Sex


Passion Possibilities