Dealing With Difficult People

You know what’s so interesting…. Before I had kids I was pretty judgmental of other people raising their kids. 

But now. 

Mmmm nope. 

The more I struggle, back pedal, beat my head against the wall as a parent the less judgement I have for other parents. 

I look at others much more objectively. 

Like ‘Hmm, yes they are a parent trying to figure things out, just like me.”

I actually see more and more similarities with the people around me then ever before. Especially for the most “difficult” people in my life. The ones I struggle to get along with, the ones who drive me crazy. A lot of times it’s because I am seeing my own self in them. 

Whenever I am struggling to love, maybe even like a person in my world I play this little game. 

I stand back and notice the things that are driving me crazy about that person. I look at it a bit more objectively, and then the flooding of similarities come to me. 

“Huh, they want to be in control… just like me.”

“They want people to like them… just like me.”

“They are looking for validation… just like me.”

“They want to have it all… just like me.”

“They want to be the best at everything they do…. Just like me.”

“They think their way is the best way…. Just like me.”

Mind blowing. The thing that drives me crazy about someone else, is normally the thing that drives me crazy about me. 


Yup, try it sometime. 

But when I step back, take out my own emotions I see that its just another human trying to navigate challenges, parents, and struggles just. Like. Me. 


Moms Who Lost Their Fun


Being “there” For Our Kids