Brooke Sann Brooke Sann

Emotional Intelligence

I’ve always told myself I’m not intelligent. But I’ve come to learn the true value of intelligence.

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Brooke Sann Brooke Sann

When You Don’t Feel Good

You try to change everything outside of you so you can feel better, but it still doesn’t work. What if nothing had to change so you can feel better.

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Brooke Sann Brooke Sann

Summer Schedule Consistently Inconsistent

I’m not sure how I feel about summer schedules. I bing bong between being very structured and scheduled , to screw it and do whatever I want. I micromanage my kids all day…. and left just frustrated.

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Brooke Sann Brooke Sann

Problem Solving Mode

When you are putting out fires all day long… you’re just living a haphazard life. No rhyme, no reason, no purpose.

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Brooke Sann Brooke Sann

Finding Peace At Home

Is Peace in the home possible? This came to be because I have been feeling anger, frustration, dare I even say…..a bit of…tiny bit of… hate in my heart.

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Brooke Sann Brooke Sann

Talk To Yourself

Just as we connect with our children and review the day, we should talk to ourself and connect.

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Brooke Sann Brooke Sann

The Law Of Attraction

Attraction isn’t made up of some magical connection that is just out there in the universe somewhere. Attraction is a choice.

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Brooke Sann Brooke Sann

Who Am I?

When you find out, the intoxicating discoveries boomerang you into your absolute wildest dreams.

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