Brooke Sann Brooke Sann

Passion Possibilities

Expectations smother passion like a bucket of wet leaves on a roaring fire.

But what about when we pour on gasoline?

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Brooke Sann Brooke Sann

Isolate or Authenticate

We can either disconnect, isolate ourselves and “hole up” or we can be our authentic selves and let people in.

Which do you do?

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Brooke Sann Brooke Sann

Hell Before Holiday

Traditions are not there to torture us, exhaust us and make us feel bad about ourselves if we don’t do them. I’ll tell you why.

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Brooke Sann Brooke Sann

Grieving Our Life

Us Mommas get to a point where we grieve our life. We either have everything we’ve always wanted and are miserable. Or we aren’t where we thought we would be by now, and well are miserable.

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Brooke Sann Brooke Sann

Love And Lose

I have a magic formula. Normally I would keep this a secret, but its too great not to share. Also comes with some exciting strategic by products, like passion and wonder.

Love yourself + Love your husband = lose weight and feel great!

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Brooke Sann Brooke Sann

How To Feel The Love

I’m turning out to be an A O K writer. I mean I’m not great, but I write down words and publish them. BUT I am amazing when it comes to writing my own love story. It’s a comedy with a couple of passion producing scenes(okay a lot), ohhhh with an amazing ending. What kind of love story are you writing?

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Brooke Sann Brooke Sann

Really Good At Failure

I’m super duper, absolutely, fantastically good at failure. I mean like really really good. I haven’t always been, but now I am. And you can be too.

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Brooke Sann Brooke Sann

Light that Spark (in yourself)

Life sucks when you don’t have a relationship with yourself. It makes everything so much harder. But how do you build a relationship with yourself? What in the world does it even look like?

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Brooke Sann Brooke Sann

Do Something

There is devastation all around us. We don’t know what to do, but I’ll tell you. One of my dear friends gave me advice a long time ago that has changed the way I look at my loved ones struggling.

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