Brooke Sann Brooke Sann

Mental Clarity

When you can’t make decisions, when you struggle to know the right thing to do, there is ONE thing you CAN do.

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Brooke Sann Brooke Sann

Serving Future Me

We are emotional creatures. A lot of times we base decisions on trying to not feel bad(right now), thinking that way doesn’t serve our future self.

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Brooke Sann Brooke Sann

Blame & Excuses

I have quite the arsenal of excuses and go to “blame techniques”.

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Brooke Sann Brooke Sann

Crappy Morning Momma

My mornings used to be hell, now I only have one of those once in awhile. I’ll tell you why….

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Brooke Sann Brooke Sann

All My Single Ladies

You can be single and miserable.

You can be married and miserable.

You can be single and happy.

You can be married and happy.

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Brooke Sann Brooke Sann

Mom Sex

Talking about sex is taboo, not here my friend!

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